Friday, March 31, 2006



OK, Blogger, why are you SO SLOW??? Don't you know the Nationals are playing the Orioles and I'm missing it???
Since this is March 31, I decided I'd better get the finished Project Spectrum item on here pronto! The unfinished Jaywalker sock is up to the heel flap. Yes, the first sock. No, I don't have a problem with second sock syndrome. I like to wear my socks, and I need two socks to do that. Yes, I'm exceptionally slow.
If you recall from yesterday, I had a blanket in progress on the loom. Here's a close up of the pattern.
Here's a close-up of the pattern (above)

This is the finished blanket. I love the circles in this pattern. It still amazes me that you can weave circles on threads that intersect at 90 degree angles. This is the most popular pattern for blankies. Only when it is sold out do people choose the other patterns, so I decided to stop weaving the other patterns altogether.

Here's a picture of the 4 different kinds. I did 2 variations on the red/yellow/navy to see which one I liked best.
Hopefully, yellow pictures tomorrow! (These blankies don't count)

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